Compiled and Interpreted Language   

The target machine immediately translates the programme into a compiled language. The target computer does not immediately translate the source code into an interpreted language. Instead, the code is read and executed by a separate software known as the interpreter. A compiled language is a computer language with compilers rather than interpreters as implementations. An interpreted language is a computer language in which programmers immediately and arbitrarily execute programs without first converting a programme into assembly code.  

Programming Paradigm   

A programming paradigm is a strategy to solve a coding language problem. It may be defined as solving a problem utilizing tools and techniques accessible to us by a particular system. A paradigm is a method of accomplishing something (such as programming), not a specific entity (like a language). True, if a programming language L happens to make a particular model of programming P simple to describe, we commonly remark “L is a P language” (e.g., “Haskell is a software framework”), but this does not imply that there is such a thing as a “functional language paradigm.”  

5 High-Level Programming Languages  

  1. Java - Java is an interpreted language because it cannot run on the processor directly. Java virtual machine takes bytecodes as inputs and translates them into machine language. It belongs to High level, class-based and object-oriented programming language program. Java was developed at Sun Microsystems, Inc., where James Gosling headed a team of researchers to build a new language that would enable electronic user components to interact with one another. Work on the language began in 1991, but the team’s attention soon shifted to a new specialty, the World Wide Web. Facebook was created with Java.   
  1. Python - Python is a high-level interpreted computer language used for general programming. It came out in 1991. Python has been developed with code readability and whitespaces in mind. Its distinguishing characteristics include dynamic type, automated memory management, support for different programming paradigms (PO, Functional, and procedural), a substantial, comprehensive library of its own, and so on. Python interpreters are available for a wide range of operating systems, and it is free and open-source software. It is the fourth most common programming (after Java, C, and C++) as of January 2018. It is an interpreted language and belongs to the object-oriented programming paradigm. Python is a popular general-purpose programming language translated, object-oriented, and elevated, with functional programming. Guido van Rossum created it, and it was initially published on February 20, 1991. Instagram is a satisfactory product; it is the app that altered the world of digital photography by making it instant, more accessible, broader, and expanding lines of innovation and defining marketing communication guidelines.  
  1. Swift - Swift is a general-purpose, multiparadigm, compiled programming language created by Apple Inc. with iOS, macOS, and Cocoa frameworks. It uses the Objective C runtime package, which allows C and C++ to execute within the same programme. Swift provides essential ideas such as dynamic despatch, late binding, extensible programming and address errors such as null pointer dereferencing and structured documents by denoting structural, extensions, struts, and categories. It is a compiled language and belongs to the multiparadigm; protocol-oriented, object-oriented, function imperative, and block-structured. Swift is a multiparadigm, general-purpose executable programming language created by Apple Inc. and the open-source communities. Facebook, Uber, Slack, WhatsApp and LinkedIn are the most popular products designed with Swift language.   
  1. C - The C programming language is the oldest and most widely used computer language. C is an imperative, general-purpose computer programming language that allows imperative programming. Dennis Ritchie created it between 1969 and 1973. It is intended to be made with a compiler, and it offers low-level memory access, an effective translation to assembly code, and minimum runtime support. Its remarkable advantages are portability and the flexibility to use in any embedded system. It is not compiled or interpreted language and defied as the imperative or procedural and structured paradigm. Operating systems such as GUI, Google and Mozilla Firefox are examples of digital products.   
  1. JavaScript - JavaScript is a dynamic, loosely typed, high-level, interpreted programming language based on Prototype. It is regarded as one of the foundational technologies of the internet. It allows you to create dynamic web pages. It is an interpreted language in object-oriented, functional, Prototype and event-driven programming paradigms. Brendan Eich developed JavaScript at Netscape Communications in 1995. Netscape and Eich created JavaScript as a scripting language for use with Netscape Navigator, the company’s main web browser. Following its debut, an increasing number of websites began to support JavaScript. Examples of products are Netflix, Facebook and Candy Crush.   


Top 7 Most Popular Programming Languages (Most Used High-Level List). (2022, January 5). Software Testing Help.